Down the rat hole

Donald Trump confusion

Mike Meyer
5 min readFeb 6, 2018


Let me see if I’ve got this, now. Excuse me for being slow but I’m a little confused. Donald Trump has been into rich or powerful Russians primarily about money for years. In 2008 his son Donald Trump Jr. said that Russia was an important source of money for the Trump businesses. I’m trying to keep this simple. There is also indications that Trump’s last round of bankruptcies lead to even more of that Russian money falling into his real estate accounts. So, nothing wrong with that. The Russians are nice people and they gave Donald a helping hand when he was down with bankrupt casinos and expensive New York condos that weren’t selling. And only Deutsche Bank would loan him any more money but only with Russian guarantees. Ok.

Then Donald gets political and starts making stuff up so he can become president. Everyone thinks that’s a joke but looking at what the Republican Party has to offer, why not? I won’t even mention the Democratic Party as they’re irrelevant anyway. So all of the Republican candidates manage to fall in a ditch and the only guy left is Trump. Along with Trump are some pretty strange characters with racist reputations (I won’t even mention the names to keep this simple)and suddenly Donald wants to be real friends with Vladimir Putin. That’s understandable as he has been doing business with Russians for a long time and while his projects don’t seem to work in Russia there are a lot of rich Russians buying his properties in New York and Florida. That, of course, is just accidental and a real stroke of luck that keeps on keeping on.

Then, as there is no way that Donald can beat Hilary in an election for president without something strange happening, let’s face it, Donald is an asshole and only good for a few laughs, something strange does happen. There are meetings with Russia’s ambassador and a really interesting attorney who works for the Russian government sometimes and there is talk about useful information and elimination of some restrictions on Russia that Putin really doesn’t like. Then Facebook heats up with thousands for posts from people concerned with America’s election who happen to be living in Russia and other places trying to make some money doing things online. These folks are known to do things online for money but none of them liked Hilary. Somewhere in there some of these concerned international folks grab Democratic Party files and spread them around to the Trump boys. And suddenly Trump wins the Electoral College vote in those districts where all that public spirited international discussion about the evils of Hilary and pizzeria basements had taken place.

Then with Donald in the White House the new Justice Department suddenly loses interest in anything related to Russia. And Donald refuses to release his tax returns because what could be in there of any interest? Unfortunately there are still some people in Washington D.C. who have this crazy idea that some of these things that have been happening with the election and with Russia written all over them might not be legal. With great care some actual hard core Republicans in the Justice Department are asked to create a special prosecutor to clear up the doubts. Should be clean and simple, right? But Donald gets excited and tries to stop everything because he really doesn’t want anyone to look at his Russian connections because, well, there’s nothing there to look at and he has never done any business with Russians, except for a few hundred million dollars. It’s that damn Hilary woman who is performing illegal acts daily in full public view and, besides, she knows some Russians, too.

Now here is where I get confused. So there is nothing going on with Russia, but the Republicans in the Republican Justice Department have already gotten plea bargains with two (or more) of Trump’s election and administrative folks over lying about Russian connections. But that’s a sign that this is all a plot of the Democrats. Really? Where were the Democrats? The Democrats haven’t done anything in years. But it gets even more confusing.

This Republican guy Nunes in a Republican Congress puts together a committee to look at the Republican Justice Department investigating the Republican administration over Russian stuff. This happened because nothing involving Donald Trump and Russia has ever happened. So the fact that a Republican special prosecutor investigation is still going on could only be because of a conspiracy. I’m not clear on this. Nunes made up a memo one night at the White House about the nasty Democrats making up stuff about Donald. This was because the White House basement (basements are big now) was the only place that Nunes could get any peace and quiet to write his memo. It had nothing to do with Donald living there. Ok.

The FBI (who’s going to believe the FBI on anything?) under the Republican head announced that the Nunes memo, wherever it was written, contained classified stuff and had lots of errors that would confuse things (this makes perfect sense to me) so should not be released. The Donald, in a fit of public spiritedness, ordered Nunes and his Congressional committee to release the memo. He then announced that the memo cleared him of ever having anything to do with Russians and/or the election that he lost but kind of won because both RT and Sputnik supported him with the full weight of the Russian government. (If you don’t know about RT and Sputnik by now just consider them a crude, Russian version of Fox News that also supported Donald.) Unfortunately for Donald everyone else read the Nunes memo and said, duh?, and then, meh! and then so what?

So could someone please explain to me why Donald’s tax returns for the last ten years are not made public? It looks to me as if that would clear up all the confusion about Russian money. I don’t really care about the Steele memo and who paid for it. If Donald likes attractive women to pee on him that’s between him and the hotel room maid. Not my business. I don’t even care if it just so happens that lots of rich Russian folks like to buy what Trump is selling in New York and Florida as long as he is not president (there’s this constitutional rule against making money from being president). But if Donald saved his ass by promising to do whatever the Russian oligarchs wanted if they bailed him out and gave him money whether or not he knew that they thought it would be very helpful to have him as president of the US, is a whole ‘nother matter. I, along with most other people in the US, can definitely understand the Russian oligrachs being smarter than Donald Dumbfuck Trump. But that is not an excuse. In that case I think he should spend the rest of his life in a small room reading tweets without a keyboard.

Perhaps you see my problem. The smell here is not pleasant. I can definitely see why Melania lives in New York. Or maybe I’m missing something that answers all these questions. That is other than Trump being a lazy, rich kid with a certain crude cunning, otherwise dumb as a stump, who sold his soul for Russian money and, accidentally, became president.



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at